UDWI REMC, located in Bloomfield, Indiana is accepting applications for the position of Chief Executive Officer due to the planned retirement of the current Chief Executive Officer.
UDWI REMC is a member-owned rural electric cooperative serving more than 19,000 meters with a full time workforce of 53 and an 8 member board of directors. The cooperative has 2700 line miles and $50,000,000 in annual revenue. We are a nonprofit cooperative which means excess of revenue over expenses (margins) is treated as capital contributed by each member in proportion to the amount of electricity purchased. The eleven county service territory includes Greene and parts of Clay, Daviess, Knox, Lawrence, Martin, Monroe, Owen, Putnam, Sullivan and Vigo.
UDWI REMC receives its wholesale power from Hoosier Energy Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. and is also a member of NRECA and is a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.
The successful candidate will assist the board of directors in the development of strategy, policies, budgets and contracts. The successful candidate will develop and maintain staff and resources needed to carry out the mission of the cooperative; oversee the day-to-day operations and foster member relations. The CEO shall also ensure that the activities and operations of the cooperative are conducted in accordance with the bylaws, policies, mission, and goals consistent with established guidelines by the Board of Directors.
For consideration, please submit your cover letter and confidential resume. Additional information about the cooperative is available at www.udwiremc.com.